
hydroponic crops - role of hydroponic crops in horticulture- pikkividia

                                                        hydroponic crops                           DEFINITION :                                                  Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants, usually crops, without soil, by using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent.   EXAMPLES : Plants commonly grown hydroponically, on inert media, include    1) T omatoes 1)    P eppers 2)    C ucumbers 3)    S trawberries 4)    L ettuces 5)   marijuana   6)   model plants like Arabidopsis thaliana. Hydroponics offers many advantages, one of them being a decrease i n water usage for agriculture                                WHAT IS   Hydroponics  system                                        Hydroponics  is an increasingly popular method of growing plants that uses a nutrient-rich solution with a water base, which means that soil isn’t used at all in a hydroponics system .  Instead, the roots of the plants are suppo

Present Status and Future Scope ofHorticulture developing country like in Pakistan-pikkividia

      Present Status and  Future Scope of Horticulture developing country like  in Pakistan Introduction:  Horticulture is a science of studying garden plants. The world Horticulture is derived from two  Latin words 'Hortus' means 'garden' and 'Culture' means 'knowledge of growing crops'. Horticulture is anesthetic  science that deals with the important crop which  are grown in the gardens e.g. vegetable crops in vegetable  gardens, fruit crops in fruit orchards.   Horticulture is a branch of agriculture and it plays an important  role in Pakistan's economy. Horticulture has   a great share in earning the foreign exchange for the country . According to ''Pakistan Bureau of Statistics' agriculture has a 19.8% share of Gross domestic product . Horticultural corps are very important for humans . They play an important role in making a  balanced  diet.  Production,  processing,  and  marketing  of ornamental flowers, medicinal herbs, and mu